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The Complexities of an Uber Passenger Accident Claim in Texas

As ridesharing with companies like Uber becomes more common in Texas, attorneys have seen the number of personal injury cases associated with them increasing as well.

In fact, according to various studies and safety reports on the topic, lawyers point out that rideshare accidents, which happen in the thousands each year, are responsible for as many as 100 fatalities annually and have contributed to the recent elevation of yearly traffic accident numbers.

These accidents can be tricky to navigate for a number of reasons, making the retention of an attorney experienced with rideshare injury cases essential.

How Does Texas Classify Rideshare Drivers?

Texas recognizes drivers who provide services for Uber, Lyft, and other rideshare companies as independent contractors.

According to numerous rideshare companies, each driver is required to carry their own auto insurance with coverage that exceeds the state minimum requirements to protect themselves and their vehicle while off-duty.

These companies then provide their own third-party liability insurance when their contractors are online and serving customers.

Uber provides $1 million of liability coverage to protect customers and drivers, including underinsured/uninsured motorist coverage.

Rideshare companies also hold their own business insurance, in addition to the third-party auto insurance with which they cover their drivers.

Who Is At Fault?

When investigating Texas rideshare accidents, lawyers find that determining accident fault is a key element to knowing which driver and which insurance company will be responsible for those damages.

A second driver who is found at fault for an accident involving a rideshare vehicle is the responsible party in one case.

When attorneys agree that the other driver is not at fault and the Uber driver is, it is then necessary to determine whether the Uber driver was negligent in some way or if the company was.

Lawyers see this occurring in cases where the driver ends up distracted while trying to use the rideshare app, negligence due to driver intoxication and the rideshare company’s failure to properly screen their driver, and in other unique instances where the company itself is negligent.

Based on this determination, fault could lie with any one of these three parties.

What Should Passengers Injured In A Rideshare Accident Do?

While attorneys find that most rideshare accidents in Texas are no different than other traffic accidents, there are times when determining fault can get complicated.

Regardless, someone who is injured as a rideshare passenger is covered under one of those policies.

Anyone injured in a rideshare accident should seek the services of a lawyer immediately to help with the insurance claim and who it should be filed against.

A good case investigation to determine who is at fault will be required so a passenger can receive a fair settlement for their injuries.

Hire An Experienced Attorney For Help With A Rideshare Accident

Accidents happen in Texas; however, when they happen in a rideshare vehicle, getting to the bottom of who is liable and will cover the damages can get complex.

An attorney experienced with these cases is critical to the accident claim process.

Seek the knowledge of an experienced accident lawyer who can investigate the accident properly and determine which of the three parties involved in an Uber accident is the responsible one, then fight for fair compensation that covers a passenger’s injuries!